

Daily Devotional 

Te invitamos a disfrutar de este Devocional en Video, titulado :
Devocionales con Video - Hoy... Veré la Gran Salvación de Jehová
Hoy es un día especial para ver grandes maravillas y contemplar grandes
cosas por parte de Dios , este no es un día para desperdiciarlo quejandonos
y lamentandonos, este no es un día para verlo agonizar al atardecer, sin que
algo grande haya sucedido en nosotros y a través de nosotros, fuimos llamados
para hacer historia, no para ser espectadores....
Les invitamos a ver este devocional y disfrutar del nivel de crecimiento
en el cual se encuentra.
Ver el video Clip en el siguiente enlace:

Devocionales con Video - Hoy... Veré la Gran Salvación de Jehová

Investing in Eternity

READ | Matthew 28:18-20

The Christian life is active—one dedicated to working, serving, sharing, and helping. Too often, we think that being a Christian simply means showing up for church each Sunday morning and dropping something into the offering plate. That’s a good habit, but if this is the sum total of your Christian life, you’ve missed the mark.

There is a call that Jesus Christ put on all those who would follow Him. That is, He has called us go into the world and make disciples through baptism and teaching. You may say, “Well, that applies just to ministers and missionaries, right?” No. It’s is the responsibility of everyone who claims the name of Jesus.

Just look at first word of Matthew 28:19. What does Jesus say? He says, “Go!” In today’s terms, He’s saying, “Get off the couch! Turn off the TV! Close the computer! Get up, look at the world around you, and tell someone about Me!”

This is not a suggestion. Nor is it a word to only a handful of believers. If you have been saved by the blood of Christ, then Jesus is talking to you! Making disciples doesn’t mean you have to quit your job and become a full-time missionary to a remote part of the globe. But you could walk outside, knock on a neighbor’s door, and demonstrate Christ to him. You don’t need a show-stopping sermon to minister to others; you need simply a willing and open heart.

What can you do right now to “go . . . and make disciples”? Think about things you can do today to respond to God’s call on your life.
Experiencing God's Faithfulness

What is the secret to enjoying the Lord’s best for your life? Wholehearted obedience. Let’s study the story of Abraham to explore the rewards of following God’s voice and the consequences of disobedience.

Note: Abraham and Sarah are first introduced in Scripture as Abram and Sarai. God changed their names when He made a special covenant with them, which is described in Genesis 17. For simplicity, this Bible study uses the names “Abraham” and “Sarah.”

1.      When God asks us to obey, He doesn’t always reveal the details. Read Genesis 12:1-3. Where did the Lord tell Abraham to go?


  • What is the definition of faith, according to Hebrews 11:1?

 Hebrews 11:6 says, “He who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.”  

 Has your heavenly Father ever asked you to do something that seemed illogical to you at the time? If so, what did your experience teach you? 

2.      God’s guidance will not contradict His ways or His Word. Read Genesis 12:10-20.

  • What did Abraham do instead of trusting the Lord to take care of him? (Genesis 12:13)

 Although the patriarch did not have the Bible or even the Ten Commandments, he knew his action was wrong.

  • In what area of your life are you currently tempted to disobey God instead of trusting Him? Explain your temptation.

 What do you think God would have you do instead of trying to solve the problem using your own effort or reasoning? 

 3.      When we disobey, other people suffer. In Genesis 15:4, God promises Abraham a son, not just an heir. But years later, Sarah is still childless.

 What were some of the negative consequences of his action? (Genesis 16:4-6; 11-12) 

  • When you live for yourself instead of seeking to follow God, how are those around you negatively affected?

 4.      God often gives us a second chance to obey. Some opportunities come only once in a lifetime. If we miss them, they are gone forever. But many times, our gracious Father offers us another chance.

  • What three reasons does he give for using deception?  
  • How are his excuses similar to the ways we might use to justify sin? 
  • Is God giving you a second chance? What is He asking you to do? 

5.      The Lord may ask us to surrender the dreams and plans He gives us. Read the story about the sacrifice of Isaac in Genesis 22:1-14.

  • Why did God ask Abraham to sacrifice Isaac? (Genesis 22:12)   

We can begin to value God-given possessions, relationships, dreams, or even ministry more than we treasure our relationship with Him. This is a form of idolatry.

  • What are the warning signs that a God-given gift has become too important?

Is God asking you to release an idol to Him so that He has your wholehearted devotion? You may need to give it up literally or just yield control of it in your heart. Write a prayer expressing your feelings and describing your surrender to the lordship of Christ. 

6.      The rewards of obedience can last for generations. Because Abraham obeyed God, he became the father of the people of Israel. Years later, one of his descendants gave birth to the Messiah, through whom the entire world was blessed (Genesis 17: 4-8; Genesis 22:18).

  • How would you like to be remembered by your children and grandchildren (or by the next generation)? 
  • What can you do in this next year to be one step closer to making that kind of impact on your world? 

Closing: Like Abraham, you may impact the lives of people you never meet. Be obedient to God’s request, even if it doesn’t make sense from a worldly point of view. Perhaps the sacrifices you make today for Christ’s sake will bless others for generations to come. 

Prayer: Father, I’m so grateful that You have a purpose and a plan for my life. Please reveal Your will to me, and empower me to obey it willingly and faithfully. Increase my faith that I may be a blessing to the world around me for Your sake and for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

God’s Call to Genuine Repentance

By Charles F. Stanley

I. Introduction: Two types of people need to repent: a) those professing to be Christian but whose lifestyle doesn’t change, and b) believers who commit the same sin repeatedly.

Scripture: Luke 24:45-49

II. Message

A. We know repentance is essential from the number of times the Bible mentions it. The following people stress its importance:

  1. John the Baptist and Jesus (Matt. 3:1-2; Matt. 4:17; Luke 5:32; Luke 24:47)
  2. The apostle Paul (Romans 2:4; Acts 17:30)
  3. Peter (2 Peter 3:9)

B. Repentance is heartfelt sorrow for sin, along with a commitment to walk in obedience.

  1. This is more than sorrow for being caught or misery due to the consequences of disobedience. For example, the Prodigal Son not only comes to his senses; he also leaves the hog pen (Luke 15:11-15).
  2. Salvation is an internal change that results in external action (Matthew 7:16, 20). The Great Commission says, “Make disciples of all the nations…teaching them to observe all that I commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20).

C. Repentance and faith are two sides of the same coin.

  1. Many familiar verses on salvation refer primarily to faith, because unbelief is the primary sin that separates men from God (John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8; Romans 10:13).
  2. The New Testament Greek term for “believe” is an action word. Salvation requires more than mere intellectual assent to Jesus’ existence.
  3. Trusting Christ as your Savior gives you a new beginning (2 Corinthians 5:17).
  4. Repentance isn’t “trying harder.” Apart from the mercy and grace of the Lord, you can’t “clean up” your life
  5. Receiving Christ as your personal Savior includes acknowledging your sinfulness before God.

D. Surrender is the key to genuine repentance.

  1. Confession means we agree with God that our sin is wrong. Without surrender, there will be no repentant spirit, and the person is likely to commit the sin again.
  2. The Lord is willing to forgive our sins if we confess them (Proverbs 28:13; 1 John 1:9).
  3. We must be willing to walk away from what God says is sin. By continuing in sin or settling for second best, we’re saying we don’t really trust Him.

III. Conclusion: Through confessing in a spirit of repentance, we can be freed from the power of sin. Sincerely surrender your life to the Lord, and He will conform you into the image of Christ. You’ll be free to experience His best! 

April 12-13, 2008 - Conformed or Transformed? - Romans 12:1-2

If you want a little snapshot of what the world considers "normal," just glance at magazine covers near the grocery store checkout. You will find racks of lies, rumors, indecency, adultery, and betrayal. A movie star leaves his wife for another woman. A pop-singer mom loses custody of her children because of drug use.

Young girls are taught their self-worth is based on outward appearance. These don't sound like traditional family values, do they? But as a culture, we aren't shocked by what we see. Even worse, we enjoy it. We read articles and watch TV shows about such perversion, as if intoxicated by the "glamour" of such lifestyles. We fill our homes with a million little pictures of this distorted reality and then pack it neatly away when it's time for church. Sadly, some of us are living two separate lives. The one we show God, and the one we show the world.

Romans chapter 12:2 confronts us with this contradiction head-on. As you think about the images above, consider the words of the apostle Paul.

He said "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so you may prove what the will of God is, which is good and acceptable and perfect."

Is your home being conformed to the world, or is it being transformed by the Holy Spirit? Would others see you as a blind follower of culture's ambitions? Or would they see the "good and acceptable and perfect" will of God in your life? Be honest with yourself as you talk to the Lord today.

Abraham's Lesson On Obedience 

            The Old Testament records the life and trials of Abraham. While the patriarch had a special relationship with God, his faith was not perfect. Over the course of his life, he came to understand how important it is to obey--and how costly it can be to rebel. 

            Abraham learned the hard way that manipulating circumstances to gain a desired result can bring heartache. The Lord had promised him and Sarah a child, but the couple was still waiting for that blessing when they were elderly. Already in her 80s, Sarah suggested that Abraham get an heir by having a child with her servant Hagar. The result was jealousy, family strife, and a bloody conflict that still rages today between the descendants of Hagar's son Ishmael and Sarah's son Isaac. 

            Obedience will bring the Lord's best, but it requires waiting on Him. Abraham was already an old man when God promised him descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky. (Genesis 15:5). This would not be fulfilled until he was 100 and Sarah was well past her child-bearing years, which meant that all the glory for Isaac's miraculous conception and birth went to the Lord. Jumping ahead of God had harsh, long-term consequences. But the good news is that the couple's mistakes could not prevent Him from carrying out His plan (Genesis 21:1-8). 

            The Lord has given us His Word so we might learn from the saints of old. Abraham's life teaches us that obedience is essential. When we place our trust in a sovereign God and wait upon His timing, we have nothing to fear from the world.

Fuente:In Touch with Charles Stanley

 Fully Submitted -- Philippians 2:6-8 

            Scripture says that Jesus Christ was "in very nature God" (Philippians 2:6 niv), yet He left heaven to become a man. Here on earth, He lived in full submission to His Father's plans, with no restrictions or conditions. Jesus gave God complete control over everything He did and held nothing back--not even His life, which He sacrificed on the cross for our sake. 

            Jesus did this because He had perfect trust in the One who sent Him. For example, He knew that: everything is under the Father's sovereign control, and no plan of His can be thwarted; God's decisions are good, as they are based on divine love, mercy, and justice; God's plans always take into account what is best for us, and His will is to lead us towards repentance, salvation, and spiritual growth. In addition, Jesus obeyed to bring glory to the Father's name (John 17:4). 

            We are to live the same way--in unconditional surrender to God's will. This means acknowledging that He has the right to order our lives--including finances, family, friends, and fun--and relinquishing control over these areas to Him. Now and again, we may have to let go of things we love. But at other times, we will receive rich blessings from His hand. 

            By submitting to God's authority, we declare our trust in Him and our willingness to accept whatever He sends us--riches or poverty, health or sickness, marriage or singleness. Full submission is the only way to live a victorious Christian life. That's how we glorify the Father, grow in Christlikeness, and receive the Lord's favor.

February 8, 2008 -- The Door of Opportunity -- Revelation 3:7-10 

            The New Testament city of Philadelphia was strategically located on travel routes between Rome and the east, which made it an important conduit for Greek culture and language. The church there received an exciting opportunity when God planned that the region would become known for a new export--the good news of Jesus Christ. 

            For the loyal church at Philadelphia, this was a tremendous blessing. In Revelation 3, Jesus Christ acknowledged the congregation's deeds, which means they must have carried out their work with diligence and dependence on the Lord. The body also followed God's Word and didn't deny His name, despite opposition from "the synagogue of Satan"--the worldly people who also inhabited the city. 

            The Lord opens doors, not simply for mission organizations and churches, but also for individual believers. A chance to do His will in any area of life must be taken seriously, as His opportunities always lead to the path He has designed for us. Some seem too good to be true, others are cloaked in hardship, and still others defy human reasoning. We need to know how to listen for and discern God's voice so that we can be certain when it is His hand opening a door. 

            We all desire that the Lord give us His best for our life--in our vocation, finances, service, and spiritual growth. So we must build a proven record of faithful obedience, as the Philadelphian church did. When we serve Him with loyalty, humility, and diligence, God will open doors for even greater blessing. 

February 7, 2008 -- Abraham's Sacrifice -- Genesis 22 

            Abraham faced one of the greatest tests of obedience recorded in the Bible: God asked him to sacrifice his son Isaac. It's hard to imagine the confusion and pain this request must have caused. However, Abraham obeyed willingly and promptly. His response teaches important lessons about yielding to God. 

            • Obedience often collides with reason. God had promised Abraham descendants too numerous to count, but He then asked for the father of those descendants to be sacrificed. In spite of the strangeness of the command, Abraham trusted God to keep His promise and so set out to obey (Hebrews 11:18-19). 

            • Obedience means leaving the consequences to God. Abraham had no idea how the promise could be fulfilled if Isaac was dead. But his words and actions indicate he believed in divine sovereignty. When Abraham took the boy to Mount Moriah, he told his servants, ". . . I and the lad will go over there; and we will worship and return to you" (Genesis 22:5). He didn't say, "I will return" but expressed that both would come back. Abraham went to the holy place, determined to obey. At the same time, he fully expected that the Lord would somehow preserve Isaac in order to keep His pledge. God did this by providing a ram in the boy's place (vv. 13-14). 

            The Lord already knows how His children will respond to tests of obedience. He challenges people because He wants them to know the truth about how well they submit. A believer's willingness to obey (or disobey) reveals the state of his or her commitment to God.


Buenos Aires, Argentina